Friday, February 04, 2005

The Big 7-0

My dad is turning 70 in a number of days, and we're heading up to Sacramento this weekend to attend the big surprise party! Shhh — don't tell him, it's a surprise.


In 1935, the Hoover Dam was completed. Great Plains farmers fled the Dust Bowl and migrated west, while Hitler began rearming Germany, in violation of the Versailles Treaty.

1935 introduced us to:
- nylon
- tighty-whiteys
- parking meters
- Penguin paperbacks
- Social Security
- the WPA
- Elvis Presley
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- and, perhaps most important, Monopoly.

Happy Birthday!

* That's a fire sprinkler on the invitation (by me); he engineered fire-sprinkler systems for buildings.


At 11:22 PM, Jake

I think my Grandfather is 75, but the only things on your that apply to him (not his birthyear) are:

- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Social Security
- Tighty whiteys
- Hitler rearming Germany. He's an old Kraut that isn't satisfied with post WWII Europe.

Personally, I'm a big fan of those sprinklers! In an office where there are 3 computers on every desk, I dream of the day the sprinkler system accidentally goes off.

At 10:11 AM, Aristotle


Also, hoo boy. You were a late(ish) child like me, eh?

At 8:19 AM, alex

joysus, that looks so good.

is it possible that i could pay you to redesign my primary sex organ so it looks more "retro". i'm bored of it.

At 12:54 PM, Julie

Aristotle - yep! He was 40 when I was born. (Well, not "born" so much as "lifted out")

Thanks, Alex. Yes, I will certainly do that. I don't see any reason why not.


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